7 steps to document your Project Management Experience for PMP® application

7 steps to document your Project Management Experience for PMP application

By Nguyen Si Trieu Chau, LIMC, PfMP, PgMP, PMP, PMI-RMP, PMI-SP

If this is your first time applying for the PMP exam, it’s strongly recommended to consider a careful check on the PMI’s audit procedure to make trim your application process as smooth as possible. Here I layout 7 steps including some special tips of how to document your managing experience to apply for PMP.

1. First, check your PMP® eligibility:

- Secondary degree (high school diploma, associate’s degree or the global equivalent).
- 7,500 hours leading and directing projects.
- 60 months unique non-overlapping professional project management experience.
- 35 hours of project management education (35 contact hours).
- Four-year degree.
- 4,500 hours leading and directing projects.
- 36 months unique non-overlapping professional project management experience.
- 35 hours of project management education (35 contact hours).

Check the updated requirements on PMI website.

2. Second, use an excel file to prepare all relevant information in advance before submitting the application to PMI:

- Record your information about secondary degree or four-year degree.
- Record your 35 contact hours of project management education. Atoha provides certification of 35 contact hours.
- Record your 7,500 hours or 4,500 hours of leading and directing projects, the details as below:

  • Record all your project experience within 8 years up to now.

  • There are maximum 40 hours per week. Let’s use this number to calculate the project experience hours IN TOTAL.

  • Assign the percent of 5 domains: Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring & Controlling, Closing. This must be your real number. You can refer to PMI percent for Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring & Controlling, Closing in order 13%, 24%, 31%, 25%, 7% (align with the exam after 11 Jan 2016).

  • There is NO need to have all experience in 5 domains for ONE project. Got experience in 3, 4, or 5 domains in ONE project is good as long as you have all experience in 5 domains for ALL projects.

  • There is a MUST to have all experience in 5 domains for ALL projects that you declare.

  • Regarding the description of every project: MUST be maximum 550 characters (including the space). The description should have the project goal, your title and the content. The content includes your experience in the domains that you declared, e.g. if you declare that you have experience in 4 domains of a specific project, then the content should cover and only cover all these 4 domains. Check sample PMP application description here.

  • Record 60 months or 36 months unique non-overlapping professional project management experience.

  • Provide enough your personal information.

  • Provide enough your referral information. You should align with your referrers in advance so that he/she will sign your document when PMI randomly audit your application.

Check this PMP application template link.

Check this Project Management Experience Description examples.

3. Third, create an account on PMI and submit your application - Application Submission

You have 90 days to complete the application once you started it. Copy all the information that you’ve prepared in 2nd step and filled in the form on PMI website.

4. Fourth, Application Completeness Review:

PMI will review your application in maximum 5 business days when submitted online.

5. Fifth, Audit Process:

PMI will randomly choose some applications for audit
- If PMI doesn’t audit your application, you can make the payment and schedule the exam.
- If PMI audits your application, you will need to provide them all the supporting documents including:

- Secondary degree (high school diploma, associate’s degree or the global equivalent) or Four-year degree certificate.
- Certificate of 35 contact hours.
- All the project descriptions with the signatures from reference persons: all project descriptions (or 1 project description if you declare only 1 project) from ONE referrer will be signed, then all these descriptions from ONE referrer will be put in 1 envelope, and the referrer must sign on the envelope seal.
- All project descriptions from ALL referrers + the degree + the certificate of 35 contact hour will be put in 1 envelope to send to PMI.

6. Sixth, Application Payment Process:

PMI will let you know if you can make the payment. If PMI rejects your application, you’ll need to review the application again and fix it. If PMI approves that you can make the payment, DON’T MAKE THE PAYMENT RIGHT NOW. You should pay for PMI member fee first, then make the payment for the exam!!! In Vietnam, PMP exam fee:
- Non PMI member: exam fee $575
- PMI member ($99) + admin fee ($10) + exam fee for member ($284) = $393
- Moreover, as a PMI member, you can get lots of FREE PDUs in 1 year membership when you login http://projectmanagement.com. Login to this website with your PMI account, then the PDUs that you get on http://projectmanagement.com will be synchronized automatically to your account on http://pmi.org so that you don’t need to do anything. In addition, PMI member can save money for reexamination (in worst case) or PMP credential renewal in 3 years.

You will have 1 year from the date of the application approval to select the time and place to take the exam. You can take the exam up to 3 times during this 1 year.

7. Finally, take the exam and pass.

Feel free to email me at chau@atoha.com when you have questions in mind.


Good luck!

Nguyen Si Trieu Chau, LIMC, PfMP, PgMP, PMP, PMI-RMP, PMI-SP
First version - 22 March 2016.
Updated - 28 September 2018



See more: 1000PMP Online Program - online 1 on 1 coaching, lifetime support


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Công ty Cổ phần ATOHA. Ngân hàng Á Châu (ACB). Số tài khoản: 6868 2468, PGD Tân Sơn Nhì, TPHCM.
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Câu hỏi thường gặp

“Có. Atoha sẽ có chứng nhận hoàn thành chương trình đào tạo dành cho học viên và cung cấp 35 giờ đào tạo bắt buộc (1 trong 3 điều kiện thi lấy chứng chỉ PMP quốc tế)."

“Cả 2. Tài liệu có thể là tiếng Anh hoặc tiếng Việt tùy vào lớp. Atoha có thể đào tạo bằng cả tiếng Anh hoặc tiếng Việt."

“Chưa bao gồm. Học viên sẽ cần đóng phí thi trực tiếp cho viện PMI nếu muốn đăng ký thi, phí thi tham khảo như sau: 389 USD/non-member và 393 USD/member (trong đó phí thành viên PMI là 99 USD, phí admin là 10 USD, phí thi PMP là 284 USD). Chi phí này dành cho một số khu vực, trong đó có Việt Nam. Tham khảo thêm tại: www.pmi.org"

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