Test-practicing Order On Atoha's SEW Online Test System
Atoha is the pioneer and the only authorized training provider in Vietnam that have enough capability and capacity to deliver full 10 certification courses from PMI, including PfMP®, PgMP®, PMP®, PMI-ACP®, PMI-PBA®, PMI-RMP®, PMI-SP®, CAPM®, DASM, DASSM.
To confidently Pass PMP, participants should not focus on the number of questions, but the quality each time you answer a question. The most effective way to measure your answer quality is RFG. It is necessary to absolutely comply with this regulation for the test-making process to be maximally effective.
SEW is an effective support tool, helping Atoha participants conveniently do their homework anytime, anywhere. Once they have been granted an account to access SEW and make the most of it, Atoha is confident that participants can pass PMP® with maximum scores on the first test attempt without needing to buy any other outside materials.
What is SEW?
SEW Online Test System (SEcret Weapon - atoha.moodlecloud.com) includes all necessary exam verified questions. It is continuously updated and available on mobile app (iOS and Android - Moodle App) and web service formats. SEW is an effective support tool, helping Atoha participants conveniently do their homework anytime, anywhere. Once they have been granted an account to access SEW and make the most of it, Atoha is confident that participants can pass PMP® with maximum scores on the first test attempt without needing to buy any other outside materials.
SEW includes the following resources:
- Practice test according to each session
- Mastery Builder test by Lesson (exclusively for PMI ATP) from PMI Authorized PMP® Exam Prep
- Minitest
- Fulltest (includes exclusive PMI ATP Premier - Cloned test - extremely important)
- Super Test (exclusively from Atoha)
- Great Test (exclusively from Atoha)
Most especially, in the Fulltest, there will be an exclusive set of PMP Cloned Questions from PMI sent to Atoha, helping participants to get acquainted with the mindset of the test creator. This set of questions includes the complete PMI Cloned PMP Exam Questions 2021 with 180 questions, and constantly updated from PMI. During the period of 4-2 weeks before the exam date, participants will be given a Password to access these exclusive exam resources.
Jun, 2021 Update: PMI continues to send more than 430 PMP Cloned questions to Atoha. Atoha participants will be able to do more of these PMP Cloned tests from June 15, 2021 onwards.
Nov, 2021 Update: PMI continues to send 2 question-sets to Atoha.
Nov, 2022 Update: PMI continues to send 1 PMP® Mini Cloned question-sets to Atoha.
Q1, 2023 Update: PMI continues to send 1 PMP® Mini Cloned question-sets to Atoha.
Q1, 2024 Update: PMI continues to send 1 PMP® Mini Cloned question-sets to Atoha.
Test-practicing Order On SEW
SEW will include Practice test (test for each session), Minitest (around 30-50 questions/test) and Fulltest (the same as the real test, including 180 questions in 230 minutes). Below is a guideline to use SEW:
First, Practice test. From week 1 to week 13, participants need to do the Practice test according to the order in the Training Outline every week. After completing any test, it is mandatory to RFG (Review & Fill Gaps) thoroughly before moving on to the next test.
Second, Minitest. From week 14 onwards, participants start doing Minitest. You should do at least 03 PMP Lite Mock Exam.
Last, Fulltest:
- Follow the order in SEW
- “Must” test: you can not skip these tests.
- “Recommended/Highly Recommended” test: you should do at least 2 tests of each type. It is recommended to do at least 2 Preps and RFG carefully before taking the PMI test.
- Compulsory tests are PMI Fulltest PMP Cloned 10f, 10g, 10h, 10i, 10j exclusive from PMI. The passwords for these tests are only given to participants after you have done at least Prep test and 10a.
- SUPER and GREAT tests are done last. SUPER & GREAT tests are only issued passwords after Cloned tests are completed.
- The Cloned 10f, 10g, 10h, 10i, 10j tests are high quality ones and you should only try these tests after the previous ones have been completed and RFG carefully.
About the test results?
According to the statistics of hundreds of Atoha students who have passed the PMP certification exam, when a participant has 3 consecutive Fulltests, from different sources, on the first try with a result of over 75%, they are almost certain to pass (99.99%).
- Only the result on the first try applies to this rule. As for the 2nd and 3rd attempts, it is not correct.
- The results should be given from different sources such as 10a, 10d, 10e, Prep, RTM... "Different source" is to ensure that the score is not high because of familiarity with one test source.
- The result is excellent if you could achieve more than 70% on Test 10a (of PMP 2020). All students who did more than 70% on the first try of 10a got a maximum score of 5 Above Target when taking the PMP 2020 exam. Even with the exception of someone who did 10a with about 65%, they also got the maximum score in the real exam.
- The result is outstanding if you could achieve approximately 70% on The PMI Cloned 10f, 10g, 10h, 10i, 10j (PMP 2021). If so, it is most likely you would achieve a maximum score of 3AT (3 Above Target) when taking the exam in 2021.
If the Fulltest scores above 70%, there is a high probability of passing PMP max score 3AT on the first try.
If the Fulltest scores 65 - 70%, there is a high probability of passing but may not reach the maximum score.
If the Fulltest reaches 60 - 65% then it is quite risky.
If the Fulltest is less than 60% then it is likely to fail, and you are not ready for the PMP exam.
Review & Fill Gap
To confidently Pass PMP, participants should not focus on the number of questions, but the quality each time you answer a question. The most effective way to measure your answer quality is RFG. Participants should only take a new test after thoroughly RFG the previous test, ensuring that all existing knowledge gaps are filled. This RFG rule must be strictly adhered to in order to maximize the result of the practice tests.
The RFG duration should be 2-5 times the test time to ensure that each time you Fill Gap, you learn a lesson and you will not make the same mistake twice in the future. When RFG, participants need to read the question / each option carefully and then check the results and explanations of the author. After that, you should compare the relevant knowledge in the books (page XX of the specific YY book) to Fill Gap effectively.
Instructions on how to properly RFG
RFG all incorrect answers.
RFG all correct answers that used the elimination method of reasoning.
RFG all the correct answers with at least 1 unknown option.
RFG using PMI Authorized PMP® Exam Prep + PMBOK + Agile Practice Guide + ECO + Atoha slides thoroughly.
The most important document is the copyright document from PMI: PMI Authorized PMP® Exam Prep
The sequence of documents used to Review and Fill Gaps
Process Groups: A Practice Guide.
Agile Practice Guide.
PMP® Exam Content Outline.
PMI Authorized PMP® Exam Prep.
Atoha slides.
Blogs: PMI Blogs, Atoha Blogs.
After researching the above documents and still not finding the answer or being unclear, participants can contact Atoha Trainers for support (via support groups or messages). Note that during the search process, documents provided by PMI or Atoha are official documents.
Wishing you good studies, and good exams and soon write your name on the excellent achievement board in the international project management community!