Bài viết "MỌI KIẾN THỨC VỀ PMP®" bao gồm DANH SÁCH CÁC TỪ KHÓA/THUẬT NGỮ QUẢN LÝ DỰ ÁN QUAN TRỌNG mà tác giả tổng hợp được dựa trên:
- Kinh nghiệm tác giả đã thi đậu (thi đỗ) ngay lần thi đầu tiên các chứng chỉ quốc tế PMP® (2012), PMI-RMP® (2013), PMI-SP® (2013), PgMP® (2018), PfMP® (2018), PMO-CP® (2018), PMI-ACP® (2019), IPMO-Expert® (2019).
- Kinh nghiệm tác giả đã dạy, huấn luyện và/hoặc tư vấn cho các tập đoàn hàng đầu Việt Nam và thế giới như Samsung, Coca-Cola, Suntory Pepsico, Heineken, Carlsberg, GE, Schneider Electric, GEA, Sonion, Terumo BCT, Lazada, Linkbynet, Piaggio, Premier Oil, Apave, Taisei, CM Engineering, NEC, Japfa, Vinamilk, VNG, BIDV, Vietcombank, Vietinbank, PVcombank, MB Bank, FE Credit, PTI, Mobifone, VNPT, PV Gas, TPCOMs, CJS, MB Ageas Life, Deha Software, PNJ, Square Group, Delta, Gamma, DSquare, Vascara, Central Construction, FECON, VNT19, VEAM Corp, Saigontourist, …
- Kinh nghiệm tác giả đã dạy luyện thi các chứng chỉ quốc tế từ 2012 đến nay, và đã có nhiều học viên thi đậu các chứng chỉ quốc tế. Xem danh sách tại đây.
Bài viết được viết lần đầu vào tháng 3/2019, được cập nhật vào năm 2021 và bổ sung mới nhất vào tháng 8/2023.
PMP (Project Management Professional) là chứng chỉ quản lý dự án chuyên nghiệp danh giá từ PMI. Bên dưới là hướng dẫn của tác giả dành cho những ai muốn chinh phục chứng chỉ quốc tế PMP.
Đây là kiến thức tương ứng với outline khóa học PMP PRO 14 buổi.
1. Session 1
LESSON 1 - Business Environment (6 topics)
Topic A: Foundation
Topic B: Strategic Alignment
Topic C: Project Benefits and Value
- Project Business Case
- Project Benefits Management Plan
- 11 bí quyết thành công của Giám đốc dự án
- Negotiation - Đàm phán
- Colocation
- Service Level Agreements
- Đánh giá độ ưu tiên trong Agile
- Decision Making - Các kỹ thuật ra quyết định nhóm hiệu quả.
2. Session 2
LESSON 1 - Business Environment (6 topics)
Topic D: Organizational Culture and Change Management
Topic E: Project Governance
Topic F: Project Compliance
- Decision Making
- Agile Retrospective - Nhìn lại và cải tiến hiệu quả công việc dự án
- Quản lý dự án với Scrum
- Một số cách chạy Daily Scrum hiệu quả
- Project Charter là gì và cách viết Project Charter
- Compliance Management Plan - Kế hoạch quản lý tuân thủ
- Mọi kiến thức về PMO
- PMO - Vai trò của PMO trong quản lý dự án
- Tài sản quy trình tổ chức/Organizational Process Assets (OPA)
- Các yếu tố môi trường doanh nghiệp/Enterprise Environmental Factors (EEF)
- So sánh EEF và OPA trong bài thi PMP
- Quản lý dự án tổ chức - Organizational project management (OPM)
- Ảnh hưởng của cấu trúc tổ chức đối với các dự án - Organizational structure
3. Session 3
LESSON 2 - Start The Project (4 topics)
Topic A: Identify and Engage Stakeholders
Topic B: Form the Team
- Các bên liên quan trong dự án
- Project Team - Đội dự án
- Project Management Team - Đội ngũ Quản lý dự án
- Team Charter - Điều lệ nhóm
- Tuckman Ladder - Mô hình thang Tuckman 5 giai đoạn để phát triển nhóm
- Push Communication vs Pull Communication trong bài thi PMP
- Stakeholders trong quản lý dự án
- Communications Management
4. Session 4
LESSON 2 - Start The Project (4 topics)
Topic C: Build Shared Understanding
Topic D: Determine Project Approach
- Project Charter là gì và cách viết Project Charter
- Problem Solving - Giải quyết vấn đề trong dự án
- Project life cycles: Predictive, Iterative, Incremental, Agile, Hybrid
5. Session 5
LESSON 3 - Plan The Project (8 topics)
Topic A: Planning Projects
Topic B: Scope
- Tài liệu yêu cầu - Requirements documentation
- WBS Work Breakdown Structure
- WBS dictionary - Từ điển WBS mẫu
- Sự tương đồng của WBS - WBS dictionary, Activity - Activity attributes, Duration estimates - Basis of estimates, Project schedule - Schedule data, Cost estimates - Basis of estimates
- Tạo Cấu trúc Phân rã Công việc (Create WBS) khác gì với công việc Phân rã (Decomposition)
- Work Performance Data vs Work Performance Information vs Work Performance Reports
- Tổng hợp Estimating: Analogous Estimating vs. Parametric Estimating vs. Three-point estimating vs. Bottom-Up Estimating
- Sự tương đồng của WBS - WBS dictionary, Activity - Activity attributes, Duration estimates - Basis of estimates, Project schedule - Schedule data, Cost estimates - Basis of estimates
- So sánh Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) Estimates và Definitive Estimates trong PMP®
- Analogous Estimating vs Parametric Estimating trong bài thi PMP®
- Float là gì và cách tính Float trong kỳ thi PMP
- Baseline - Các loại Đường cơ sở
- [Video] Critical Path & Float
- Deliverable - Giao phẩm dự án
- Góc nhìn toàn diện từ Project Management Plan, Scope baseline, Project scope statement, Project scope description và Product scope
- Problem Solving, giải quyết vấn đề trong dự án
- Hệ thống thông tin quản lý dự án PMIS
6. Session 6
LESSON 3 - Plan The Project (8 topics)
Topic C: Schedule
Topic D: Resources
7. Session 7
LESSON 3 - Plan The Project (8 topics)
Topic E: Budget
Topic F: Risks
- Quản lý rủi ro dự án - Project Risk Management
- 7 nguyên lý quản lý rủi ro - Seven risk management principles
- Lean - Tinh gọn hóa quy trình một cách hiệu quả
- Communications Management
8. Session 8
LESSON 3 - Plan The Project (8 topics)
Topic G: Quality
Topic H: Integrate Plans
- So sánh Accuracy vs Precision trong PMP
- So sánh Quality và Grade trong PMP
- So sánh Quality assurance và Quality control
- Control Chart trong PMP
- So sánh Run Chart và Control Chart trong bài thi PMP
- Mua hàng dự án - gửi yêu cầu và nhận báo giá
- Mô hình năng lực mua hàng/Procurement Competencies
- PTA (Point of Total Assumption - Điểm tổng giả định) trong đề thi PMP
- Phase gate
- Project Kick Off Meeting (KOM) là gì?
- Corrective Action vs. Preventive Action vs. Defect Repair/Hành động khắc phục vs. Hành động phòng ngừa vs. Sửa chữa lỗi
- Project Artifact
- Work shadowing / Job shadowing vs. Reverse shadowing
9. Session 9
LESSON 4 - Lead The Project Team (7 topics)
Topic A: Craft Your Leadership Skills
Topic B: Create a Collaborative Project Team Environment
Topic C: Empower the Team
Topic D: Support Team Member Performance
- Leadership Styles - Một số loại Phong cách lãnh đạo trong bài thi PMP
- Servant Leadership - Lãnh đạo đầy tớ trong Agile
- Leadership vs. Management - So sánh Lãnh Đạo và Quản Lý
- Tuckman ladder - Mô hình Thang Tuckman 5 giai đoạn để phát triển nhóm
- EVM - Earned Value Management - Quản lý giá trị thu được
- EAC - Estimate At Completion - Ước lượng khi hoàn thành
10. Session 10
LESSON 4 - Lead The Project Team (7 topics)
Topic E: Communicate and Collaborate with Stakeholders
Topic F: Training, Coaching and Mentoring
Topic G: Manage Conflict
- Problem Solving - Giải quyết vấn đề trong dự án
- Quản lý xung đột
- Stakeholders trong quản lý dự án
- Communications Management
11. Session 11
LESSON 5 - Support Project Team Performance (5 topics)
Topic A: Implement Ongoing Improvements
Topic B: Support Performance
Topic C: Evaluate Project Progress
- Agile Retrospective – Nhìn lại và cải tiến hiệu quả công việc dự án
- Lean - Tinh gọn hóa quy trình một cách hiệu quả
12. Session 12
LESSON 5 - Support Project Team Performance (5 topics)
Topic D: Manage Issues and Impediments
Topic E: Manage Changes
13. Session 13
LESSON 6 - Close The Project/Phase (3 topics)
Topic A: Project/Phase Closure
Topic B: Benefits Realization
Topic C: Knowledge Transfer
- Go Live Black Out Times
- Project Benefits Management Plan
- Knowledge - Công cụ Knowledge management trong PMP
Tổng hợp các bài viết về Agile
- Product Backlog có quan hệ như thế nào với WBS
- Bản tuyên ngôn Agile - lịch sử hình thành Agile
- 12 nguyên tắc của Agile
- Trong dự án Agile, công việc ước tính có thật sự cần thiết?
- Quản lý dự án với Scrum
- Scrum of Scrums
- User Stories – công cụ lên kế hoạch của Agile
- Story points - Công cụ ước lượng của Agile
- Velocity là gì - Công cụ đo lường tốc độ hoàn thành công việc của nhóm Agile
- Story Map - Lập kế hoạch tổng quát trong Agile
- Agile Retrospective – Nhìn lại và cải tiến hiệu quả công việc dự án
- Kanban - phương pháp giúp cải tiến quy trình làm việc của dự án
- PDCA - Chu trình cải tiến liên tục
- Personas - Công cụ xây dựng hình tượng khách hàng trong Agile
- Lean - Tinh gọn hóa quy trình một cách hiệu quả
- Hướng Dẫn Scrum 2020 - The Scrum Guide 2020
- Bóng đá có 3-5-2, Scrum có 3-5-3
- Bắt đầu với Scrum từ đâu đây ta?
- Một số cách chạy Daily scrum hiệu quả
- Planning Poker - Công cụ ước tính hiệu quả trong Agile
- Theo dõi tiến độ dự án Agile với biểu đồ Burn-down và Burn-up
- Project: temporary + unique result + progressively elaborate (iterative)
- Program: related projects + obtain benefit not available if manage individual
- Portfolio: project, program, operation, sub-portfolio + strategic objectives
- Operation: ongoing/repetitive
- Project management
- Project governance
- Project management vs Project governance
- Project team
- Project management team
- Project team vs. Project management team
- Stakeholder
- Project management office (PMO)
- Supportive: template
- Controlling: template + require compliance
- Directive: directly manage project
- Organizational project management (OPM)
- Organizational structure: thẩm quyền của PM tăng dần từ trên xuống dưới.
- Functional
- Matrix
- Weak matrix
- Balanced matrix
- Strong matrix
- Project-oriented
- Tight matrix: is not matrix organization. Tight matrix = colocation = war room
- Project Expediter: staff assistant, communication coordinator, no authority
- Project Coordinator: expediter + some authority
- Project Expediter vs Project Coordinator
- Enterprise environmental factors (EEF): outside the project, often outside the enterprise, not under the control of project team
- Organizational process assets (OPA): internal to organization; process, policy, procedure, template, LL
- Processes, procedures, and policies
- Organizational knowledge repositories: Historical information, Lessons learned
- Assumption log
- Assumptions
- Constraints
- Work performance data (WPD), Work performance information (WPI), and Work performance reports (WPR)
- WPD: raw observation - Executing
- WPI: WPD analyzed in context, WPD vs. PM Plan/document - M&C (all except Integration)
- WPR: physical, electronic representation (Monitor & Control Project Work)
- Program management: related projects + obtain benefit not available if manage individual
- Portfolio management: project, program, operation, sub-portfolio + strategic objectives
- Project vs. Program vs. Portfolio
- Expert judgment
- Meetings
- What is done during each of the project management process groups
- Initiating
- Planning
- Executing
- Monitoring and controlling
- Closing
- Project life cycle: Starting the project, Organizing & Preparing, Carrying out the work, Ending the project
- Development approach: predictive, iterative, incremental, adaptive, hybrid
- Predictive: scope, time, cost are determined in early phase; plan-driven, waterfall, traditional.
- Iterative: defined scope, but time & cost are routinely modified
- Incremental: successively add functionality
- Adaptive: agile, iterative & incremental; change-driven
- Hybrid: predictive + adaptive
- Plan-driven
- Change-driven
- 5 PG (Process Group): Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring & Controlling, Closing
- 10 KA (Knowledge Area): Integration, Scope, Schedule, Cost, Quality, Resource, Communication, Risk, Procurement, Stakeholder
- 49 processes
- Process sequences:
- Develop Project Charter
- Identify Stakeholder
- Develop PM Plan (some high level guidelines/approach, e.g. 1 page)
- Plan Scope Management
- Collect Requirements
- Define Scope
- Create WBS
- Plan Schedule Management
- Define Activities
- Sequence Activities
- Estimate Activity Durations
- Develop Schedule
- Plan Cost Management
- Estimate Costs
- Determine Budget
- Plan Quality Management
- Plan Resource Management
- Estimate Activity Resources
- Plan Communications Management
- Plan Risk Management
- Identify Risks
- Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis
- Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
- Plan Risk Response !!
- Go back/Iteration
- Plan Procurements
- Plan Stakeholder Engagement
- Develop PM Plan (including everything, e.g. 100 pages)
- Approval/sign-off
- Kickoff meeting
- Executing & M&C
- Closing
- X management plan = plan how X will be managed
- Benefits management plan = how and when benefits will be delivered
Câu hỏi thường gặp ở Session 1
4.0 Project Selection
4.1 Develop Project Charter
4.2 Develop Project Management Plan
4.3 Direct and Manage Project Work
4.4 Manage Project Knowledge
4.5 Monitor and Control Project Work
4.6 Perform Integrated Change Control
4.7 Close Project or Phase
- Integration: identify, define, combine, unify, and coordinate the various processes and project management activities within the Project Management Process Groups.
- FV = PV*(1+r)^n [r = interest rate, n = number of time periods]
- Net present value (NPV): present value of the total benefits (income or revenue) minus the costs over many time periods. [greatest NPV]
- Internal rate of return (IRR): [highest IRR]
- Payback period (PBP): [shortest]
- BCR > 1 => good; [max (BCR>1)]
- Opportunity cost: value of project not selected.
- Sunk costs: should not be considered when deciding whether to continue with a troubled project.
- Law of Diminishing Returns: after a certain point, adding more input will not produce a proportional increase in productivity
- Depreciation:
- Straight-line
- Accelerated
- Project charter: existence of project + authority PM + high-level information + issued by initiator/sponsors
- Business case
- Project management plan: includes 19 components: scope, schedule, cost, quality, resource, communication, risk, procurement, stakeholder + requirement, change, configuration + baseline scope, schedule, cost, performance measurement + life cycle, development approach, management reviews
- Knowledge area management plans
- Baselines
- Requirements management plan
- Change management plan
- Configuration management plan
- Project life cycle approach
- Knowledge management
- Information management
- Types of knowledge: Explicit vs. Tacit
- Explicit: can becodified using words, pictures, and numbers
- Tacit: difficult to express, such as beliefs, insights, experience, “know-how”
- Project documents (33): log, list, attributes, estimates, register
- Benefits management plan
- Assumption log
- Change requests
- Corrective action
- Preventive action
- Defect repair
- Corrective Action vs. Preventive Action vs. Defect Repair
- Constraints and assumptions
- Configuration management system
- Change control system
- Change control board
- Prevent the root cause of changes
- Identify the need for a change
- Evaluate the impact of the change within the knowledge area
- Create a change request
- Perform integrated change control
- Assess the change to all KAs (Knowledge Areas)
- Identify options
- The change is approved, rejected, or deferred by CCB (Change Control Board). The project manager may be able to approve many changes.
- Update the status of the change in the change log.
- Adjust the project management plan, project documents, and baselines as necessary.
- Manage stakeholders’ expectations by communicating the change to stakeholders affected by the change.
- Manage the project to the revised project management plan and project documents
- Cost-benefit analysis
- Kickoff meeting
- Work authorization system
- Deliverables: unique and verifiable result
- Flow of deliverables: Deliverables (Direct & Manage Project Work) => Verified Deliverables (Control Quality by internal team) => Accepted Deliverables (Validate Scope with client/sponsor) => Final product, service, result (Close Project or Phase)
- WPD: Raw observation (Direct & Manage Project Work)
- WPI: WPD vs. PM Plan/baseline (WPD are inputs for all M&C processes except Integration; outputs are WPI)
- WPR: representation (of all WPI in Monitor & Control Project Work)
- Focus group: SME/prequalified stakeholder
- Facilitation/facilitated workshop: cross-functional, buyin
- Close project or phase: finalizing all activities; planned work is completed.
5.1 Plan Scope Management
5.2 Collect Requirements
5.3 Define Scope
5.4 Create WBS
5.5 Validate Scope
5.6 Control Scope
- Product scope: feature, function
- Completion of the product scope is measured against the product requirements.
- Project scope: work to deliver features, functions
- Completion of the project scope is measured against the project management plan
- Scope management process
- Scope management plan: a plan HOW scope will be managed
- Requirements management plan: a plan HOW requirements will be managed
- FIRST PROCESS of PLANNING PG in any KA, we need at least 4 inputs:
- Project charter
- Project management plan
- COLLECT REQUIREMENTS process: to collect all requirements => outputs will include Requirement documentation & Requirement traceability matrix.
- Data-gathering techniques
- Brainstorming
- Interviews
- Focus groups: SME/prequalified stakeholder
- Questionnaires and surveys: large number of ideas
- Benchmarking: best practice
- Group decision-making
- Voting:
- 100% (unanimity, consensus) - Delphi (consensus + anonymous)
- > 50% (majority)
- max group/option (plurality)
- Autocratic: dictatorship, 1
- Muticriteria decision analysis
- Voting:
- Data representation
- Affinity diagrams: large number + classification/category/group
- Mind maps
- Interpersonal and team skills
- Nominal group technique: brainstorm + voting
- Observation/conversation / job shadowing
- Facilitation / Facilitated workshop: cross-functional + buyin
- Joint application design/development (JAD)
- Quality function deployment (QFD)
- User stories
- Context diagrams
- Prototypes: early feedback on requirements
- Requirement documentation: business, stakeholder, solution (functional + non-functional), transition // project, quality requirements
- Requirement traceability matrix: links product requirements from their origin to the deliverables
- Product analysis: Product breakdown, Requirements analysis, Systems analysis, Systems engineering, Value analysis, Value engineering (VE): deliver the same scope with least cost
- Project scope statement includes: project scope description, deliverables, acceptance criteria, project exclusions
- WBS: hierarchical
- 100 percent rule: WBS
- Work breakdown structure (WBS)
- Decomposition: breakdown, divide, subdivide
- Control account
- Work package
- Activity
- How to create a WBS
- Benefits of using a WBS
- Uses for a WBS
- WBS dictionary: details of WBS.
- Có 6 cặp tương đồng (thuật ngữ X - mô tả chi tiết thuật ngữ X)
- WBS - WBS dictionary
- Activity - Activity attributes
- Duration estimates - Basis of estimates
- Project schedule - Schedule data
- Cost estimates - Basis of estimates
- Resource requirements - Basis of estimates
- Scope baseline: WBS, WBS dictionary, Project scope statement, Work package, Planning package.
- Acceptance criteria
- Deliverables
- Verified
- Accepted
- Validate scope: with customer, sponsor => accepted deliverables
- Validate Scope is the process of formalizing acceptance of the completed project deliverables. The verified deliverables obtained from the Control Quality process are an input to the Validate Scope process. One of the outputs of Validate Scope is accepted deliverables that are formally signed off and approved by the authorized stakeholder. Therefore, the stakeholder needs to get involved early on during planning (sometimes initiating as well) and to provide inputs about quality of deliverables so that Control Quality can assess the performance and recommend necessary changes.
- Inspection: measuring, examining, and validating to determine whether work and deliverables meet requirements and product acceptance criteria; sometimes called reviews, product reviews, & walkthrough
- Scope creep: uncontrolled expansion to product or project scope without adjustments to time, cost, and resources
6.1 Plan Schedule Management
6.2 Define Activities
6.3 Sequence Activities
6.4 Estimate Activity Durations
6.5 Develop Schedule
6.6 Control Schedule
- Schedule management plan
- Define Activities
- Decomposition: breakdown, divide, subdivide
- Rolling wave planning: work to be accomplished in the near term is planned in detail, while work further in the future is planned at a higher level (planning package)
- Activity list
- Activity attributes: details of Activity list
- Milestone list: milestone = zero duration
- PDM (FS, FF, SS, SF)
- Dependency determination:
- Hard logic: nature of work, legal, contract
- Soft logic: best practice
- External dependency: out of control
- Internal dependency: in control
- Lead (//) and lag (waiting time)
- Project schedule network diagram
- Estimating T&T
- Analogous estimating: early, less cost, less time, less accurate (ROM = -25% to +75%), historical/previous similar project
- Parametric estimating: factor, historical data
- Bottom-up estimating
- Three-point estimating: O, M, P; cover risk
- Triangular (simple): (O+P+M)/3
- Beta (PERT): (O+P+4M)/6
- SD (sigma) = (P-O)/6
- Student syndrome: last minute
- Parkinson law: work expands to available timeslot
- Reserve analysis:
- Contingency reserve: cover known-unknown
- Management reserve: cover unknown-unknown
- Duration Estimate
- Basic of estimate: detail of duration estimate
- Develop schedule
- Critical path: longest path of network diagram
- Near-critical path
- Float
- Total float [FLOAT]: an activity can be delayed or extended from its early start date without delaying the project finish date or violating a schedule constraint. Float = LS - ES = LF - EF
- Free float: an activity can be delayed without delaying the early start date of any successor or violating a schedule constraint. Free float = min (ES (successors)) - EF - 1
- Project float: a project can be delayed without delaying the externally imposed project completion date required by the customer or management, or the date previously committed to by the project manager.
- Resource optimization
- Resource leveling: can often cause the original critical path to change
- Resource smoothing: critical path is not changed and the completion date may not be delayed
- Data analysis:
- What-if scenario analysis
- Simulation: Monte Carlo analysis (lặp hàng ngàn lần)
- Schedule compression:
- Fast tracking: //, tăng risk/rework, CP, “có thể nén”
- Crashing: tăng resource, tăng cost, CP, “có thể nén”
- Schedule baseline: approved version
- Project schedule: bar chart, milestone chart, project schedule network diagram
- Schedule data: detail of project schedule
- Project management information systems (PMIS)
- Padding
- Heuristics
- Reestimating
7.1 Plan Cost Management [P] — The process of defining how the project costs will be estimated, budgeted, managed, monitored, and controlled.
7.2 Estimate Costs [P] — The process of developing an approximation of the monetary resources needed to complete project work.
7.3 Determine Budget [P] — The process of aggregating the estimated costs of individual activities or work packages to establish an authorized cost baseline.
7.4 Control Costs [M&C] — The process of monitoring the status of the project to update the project costs and manage changes to the cost baseline.
- Estimation ranges:
- Rough order of magnitude (ROM) estimate: -25% đến +75%
- Budget estimate: -10% đến 25%
- Definitive estimate: -5% đến 10%
- Cost management process
- Cost of quality
- Funding limit reconciliation: reconciled with any funding limits on the commitment of funds for the project.
- Financing: acquire funding
- Cost baseline: approved version, S-curve
- Project budget = cost baseline + management reserve
- Earned value analysis
- PV
- EV
- AC
- CV = EV-AC (Cost Variance thì EV đứng trước, và trừ cho AC); CV > 0 thì tốt; CV < 0 thì xấu; CV = 0 thì ok.
- SV = EV-PV (Schedule Variance thì EV đứng trước, và trừ cho PV); SV > 0 thì tốt; SV < 0 thì xấu; SV = 0 thì ok.
- CPI = EV/AC (Cost Performance Index thì EV đứng trên, và chia cho AC); CPI > 1 thì tốt; CPI < 1 thì xấu; CPI = 1 thì ok.
- SPI = EV/PV (Schedule Performance Index thì EV đứng trên, và chia cho PV); SPI > 1 thì tốt; SPI < 1 thì xấu; SPI = 1 thì ok.
- EAC (Estimate At Completion)
- If the CPI is expected to be the same for the remainder of the project, EAC can be calculated using: EAC = BAC/CPI
- If future work will be accomplished at the planned rate, use: EAC=AC+BAC–EV
- If the initial plan is no longer valid, use: EAC = AC + Bottom-up ETC
- If both the CPI and SPI influence the remaining work, use: EAC=AC+[(BAC–EV)/ (CPI x SPI)]
- Assuming work is proceeding on plan, the cost of completing the remaining authorized work can be calculated using: ETC=EAC–AC
- Reestimate the remaining work from the bottom up: ETC = Reestimate
- CV
- SV
- The efficiency that must be maintained in order to complete on plan: TCPI=(BAC–EV)/(BAC–AC)
- The efficiency that must be maintained in order to complete the current EAC: TCPI=(BAC–EV)/(EAC–AC)
- Performance measurement baseline
- Analogous estimating
- Parametric estimating
- Bottom-up estimating
- Three-point estimating
- Cost management plan
- Contingency reserves: cover known-unknown
- Management reserves: cover unknown-unknown
- Cost risk: cost-related risk
- Variable costs: These costs change with the amount of production or the amount of work. Examples include the cost of material, supplies, and wages.
- Fixed costs: These costs do not change as production changes. Examples include the cost of setup, rent, utilities, etc.
- Direct cost: These costs are directly attributable to the work on the project. Examples are team wages, team travel and recognition expenses, and costs of material used on the project.
- Indirect costs: Indirect costs are overhead items or costs incurred for the benefit of more than one project. Examples include taxes, fringe benefits, and janitorial services.
- Life cycle costing
- Value analysis
- Control thresholds
- Progress reporting
- Cost of quality
- Return on investment (ROI)
- Discounted cash flow
8.1 Plan Quality Management
8.2 Manage Quality
8.3 Control Quality
- Quality management process
- Definition of quality
- Gold plating: giving the customer extras
- Prevention over inspection
- Continuous improvement: continuously looking for ways to improve the quality of work, processes, and results
- Just in time (JIT): just before they are needed
- Responsibility for quality
- Interviews
- Brainstorming
- Benchmarking
- Cost-benefit analysis
- Impact of poor quality
- Cost of quality
- Costs of conformance and nonconformance
- Marginal analysis
- Logical data models
- Flowcharts
- Test and inspection planning
- Checklists
- Quality metrics: project/product attribute and how the Control Quality process will verify compliance to it
- Quality management plan
- Cause-and-effect diagrams
- Histograms
- Pareto diagrams
- Scatter diagrams
- Document analysis
- Alternatives analysis
- Design of experiments
- Process analysis
- Root cause analysis: determine the basic underlying reason that causes a variance, defect, or risk.
- Failure analysis
- Multicriteria decision analysis
- Affinity diagrams: large number + classification/category/group
- Audits
- Design for X
- Problem-solving
- Test and evaluation documents
- Quality reports
- Mutual exclusivity
- Probability
- Normal distribution
- Statistical independence
- Standard deviation
- 3 sigma (99.73%) or 6 sigma (99.9999998%)
- Checksheets: tally sheets, especially useful for gathering attributes data while performing inspections to identify defects
- Statistical sampling: choosing part of a population of interest for inspection
- Questionnaires and surveys: large number of ideas
- Performance reviews
- Inspection (reviews, peer reviews, audits, or walkthroughs): the examination of a work product to determine if it conforms to documented standards
- Control charts
- Assignable cause/special cause variation
- Control limits
- Mean
- Specification limits
- Out of control
- Rule of seven
9.1 Plan Resource Management
9.2 Estimate Activity Resources
9.3 Acquire Resources
9.4 Develop Team
9.5 Manage Team
9.6 Control Resources
- Resource management process
- Resource responsibilities for project managers
- Resource management plan
- Recognition and reward systems
- Team building
- Conflict resolution techniques
- Team performance assessment
- Issue log
- Responsibility assignment matrix (RAM)
- Organizational breakdown structure
- Resource breakdown structure
- Resource histogram
- Team charter
- Motivation
- Training needs of team members
- Management and leadership styles
- Powers of the project manager
- Emotional intelligence
- Influencing
- Problem-solving method
- Sources of conflict
- Preassignment
- Negotiation
- Multicriteria decision analysis
- Colocation
- Virtual teams
- Communications technology
- Tuckman ladder
10.1 Plan Communications Management
10.2 Manage Communications
10.3 Monitor Communications
- Communications management process
- Communications management plan
- Flow of communication
- Communication types
- Formal/informal written
- Formal/informal verbal
- Communication models
- Interactive
- Noise
- Effective communication
- Nonverbal
- Verbal
- Active listening
- Effective listening
- Feedback
- Communications technology
- Communication methods
- Interactive communication
- Push communication
- Pull communication
- Meetings
- Communication channels
- Project reporting
- What should be reported
- Types of reports
- Status report
- Progress report
- Trend report
- Forecasting report
- Variance report
- Earned value report
- Lessons learned documentation
- Communication blockers
- Monitoring communications
11.1 Plan Risk Management
11.2 Identify Risks
11.3 Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis
11.4 Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis
11.5 Plan Risk Responses
11.6 Implement Risk Responses
11.7 Monitor Risks
- Definition of risk management
- Risk management process
- Threats
- Opportunities
- Risk factors
- Risk appetite
- Risk threshold
- Risk averse
- Inputs to risk management
- Risk register
- Risk management plan
- Risk report
- Risk categories
- Risk breakdown structure (RBS)
- Overall project risk
- Individual project risk
- Types of risk
- Probability and impact matrix
- Watch list
- Variance and trend analysis
- Risk urgency assessment
- Risk response strategies
- Avoid
- Mitigate
- Transfer
- Exploit
- Share
- Enhance
- Accept
- Escalate
- Residual risks
- Contingency plans
- Fallback plans
- Risk owner
- Secondary risks
- Risk trigger
- Workarounds
- Reserve analysis
- Risk reviews
- Risk audits
- Simulation
- Checklist analysis
- Assumption and constraint analysis
- Documentation reviews
- Risk data quality assessment
- Prompt list
- Monte Carlo analysis
- SWOT analysis
- Sensitivity analysis
- Decision tree
- Expected value
- Expected monetary value
- Common risk management mistakes
- Representations of risk uncertainty
12.1 Plan Procurement Management
12.2 Conduct Procurements
12.3 Control Procurements
- Procurement management process
- Procurement management plan
- Procurement strategy
- Types of agreements
- Contract types
- Fixed-price
- Time and material
- Cost-reimbursable
- Advantages/disadvantages of each contract type
- Contract change control system
- Termination
- Bid documents
- Make-or-buy analysis
- Source selection criteria
- Noncompetitive forms of procurement
- Types of procurement SOW
- Procurement performance review
- Claims administration
- Closed procurements
- Bidder conferences
- Proposal evaluation
- Risk and contract type
- Make-or-buy decisions
- Weighting system
- Screening system
- Independent cost estimates
- Incentives
- Special provisions
- Standard contract
- Terms and conditions
- Change requests
- Breach
- Waivers
- Claims
- Product validation
- Procurement conflicts
- Procurement audit
- Formal acceptance
- Records management system
- Privity
- Qualified seller list
- Centralized/decentralized contracting
- Price
- Profit
- Cost
- Target price
- Sharing ratio
- Ceiling price
- Letter of intent
- Presentations
- Nondisclosure agreement
- What makes a legal contract
- Force majeure
13.1 Identify Stakeholders
13.2 Plan Stakeholder Engagement
13.3 Manage Stakeholder Engagement
13.4 Monitor Stakeholder Engagement
- Stakeholder definition
- Stakeholder management process
- Stakeholder involvement
- Stakeholder analysis
- Stakeholder register
- Stakeholder expectations
- Stakeholder engagement
- Stakeholder engagement plan
- Stakeholder engagement assessment matrix
- Stakes
Professional & Social Responsibility
- Ethical application of project management
- PMI-isms related to professional and social responsibility
- Responsibility & Actions that demonstrate responsibility
- Respect & Actions that demonstrate respect
- Fairness & Actions that demonstrate fairness
- Honesty & Actions that demonstrate honesty
Tips for Passing the PMP Exam the First Time
- Putting It All Together
- Formulas to Know for the Exam
- Before You Take the Exam
- Tricks for Taking and Passing the PMP Exam
- Common Project Management Errors and Pitfalls
- Putting It All Together
- Practice Test
- Putting It All Together
- Practice Test
- Putting It All Together
- FULL Test
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Nguyễn Sĩ Triều Châu - LIMC, PfMP, PgMP, PMP, PMI-ACP, PMI-RMP, PMI-SP, PMO-CP®, IPMO-Expert®
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